文理学院 & 第一年经验

The 第一年经验 Program gives every first-year student in the 文理学院 and 科学 the opportunity to participate in a small seminar taught by one of the University's best professors. 不管这个研讨会是恐怖故事还是美国政治, FYE students develop valuable and rewarding relationships with both their classmates and their professors.

First-Year Experience classes are offered exclusively to first-semester, first-year students. 小班授课, FYE seminars provide the personal attention and intimate classroom environment that make the transition to college both manageable and meaningful.

All FYE classes fulfill one of the 通识教育要求 for the 文理学院 and 科学. 然而, FYE课程的主题并不局限于音乐, 文学, 科学, 或社会学. The class also focuses on your education, and it invites you to be part of an intellectual community.

当你学习这门课的材料, you'll pay special attention to some of the fundamental skills that lead to academic success, 比如写作和研究. 你也会想, 说话, 写一篇关于成为一名大学生意味着什么, 这样你就能从你的大学生活中得到最大的收获. Each seminar works outside the boundaries of the traditional classroom to help you discover the diversity and richness of the Alfred Community.

每个FYE班都有一名高年级学生担任“同伴领袖”." Peer Leaders are hand-selected by the faculty to serve as role models and allies for new Alfred students. 他们是来帮助你学习如何学习的, 他们可以为你进入大学生活提供宝贵的经验.


流行文化走向全球:(COMM 200)
本课程探讨.S. "流行文化"和媒体及其社会学, 经济和政治对国内外文化的影响. 它让学生更深入地了解全球化及其对他们生活的影响.

This is a course in beginning playwriting for the student who wants to think about how language moves action and how characters can shape scenes. We’ll work closely with students in Acting I so class members will have an opportunity to use improvisation to build their scripts.

天文学入门:(ASTR 103)
天文学的概览,包括我们的太阳系, 恒星的本质, 我们星系的结构, 最后, 对其他星系的检查, 类星体和其他宇宙物体.

美国政治:(POLS 110)
国会是如何运作的? 利益集团的影响力有多大? 为什么政府对瑞士奶酪上的洞的大小有规定? 通过对美国食品政策的研究, learn about key institutions and the ways that people can participate in the American political system.

通过分析, 反光, 个人写作, 本课程密切关注论文形式, 清晰的文字和组织, 研究和记录. We will learn to respond to various writings and respectfully quote and paraphrase from them. 就像运动和音乐一样, 我们在课上和课外都要写, 要对一个位置恰当的单词或标点符号所能产生的能量更加警觉.

Writing about what is happening around us is a great way to figure out what is happening inside us. This course uses analytical writing assignments to illuminate how the media and material objects in our everyday lives act out our human nature. Our inquiries will supply fun and engaging ways to grow in the basics of the college writing process: how to create topics, 战略性地发展和提出想法, 使用源以获得良好效果, 用清晰的书写, 连贯的, 简洁的风格. 学生将反思写作如何影响他们的智力.

This course offers intensive experience in 阅读 and analyzing literature about people driven to extremes, 从暴力和残忍的行为到高尚的牺牲. 通过对文学文本的细读和写作的实践体会, 学生探索修辞策略, 学习公认的研究和文献形式, 加深他们对书面文字的反应.

大气/人类/生态系统:(ENVS 105)
数百万年来,生命形式一直在影响着大气的性质, 但是最近几个世纪, human activities have caused profound changes in the atmosphere that are now affecting ecosystems. 这些排放物包括导致酸雨的排放物, 全球气候变化, 破坏臭氧层, 汞污染. This course will explore the effects humans (and other biota) have had on the atmosphere and the results that these changes have had on ecosystems.

现代西方历史:(HIST 111)
16世纪以来欧洲和西半球的发展概况, 强调思想和意识形态(包括法西斯主义)的影响, 纳粹主义, 和共产主义), 社会和经济变革(包括工业化), 革命和世界大战, 和帝国主义.

音乐欣赏:(MUSC 110)
你知道听古典音乐可以提高学习成绩吗? Students have actually raised their grades on certain kinds of tests by merely 听 to 20-30 minutes of Bach or Mozart before taking the exam. Music Appreciation teaches you to listen attentively and thoughtfully to all sorts of music, 甚至是你最喜欢的乐队. 我们将学习从中世纪到现在的音乐和作曲家, 看歌剧, 亲近莫扎特和贝多芬, 甚至还可以去听专业的管弦乐队演奏. 给你的生活增添一点“格调”和音乐!

伦理:(PHIL 281)
有比别人更好的生活方式和生活习惯吗? 如果有,是什么让他们变得更好,谁能判断这种事情? 什么是正义,什么是公平? 什么决定一个行为是对还是错? 这个问题的答案仅仅取决于你是谁或者你住在哪里吗? 例如,奴隶制曾经是正确的吗? Ethics is the branch of philosophy that examines these questions and questions related to these. 我们的阅读内容将包括古典和当代.

改变世界的科学(SCIE 200)
This class covers the basic scientific principles of some of the major scientific discoveries throughout human history. We explore how (for better or worse) these discoveries have impacted humankind and the basic scientific principles underlying them.

社会学概论:(SOCI 110)
作为社会学的基础课程, 社会学导论侧重于美国文化和社会的当前问题. Sociological study requires the student to take nothing for granted about the “way things are.” Our sociological understanding will grow and develop over the semester as we explore concepts such as social structure, 社会互动, 社会化, 分层与不平等, 种族的交集, 性别, 和类, 社会变革, 和全球化.

西班牙语I:语境中的文化(SPAN 101)
《在线赌博》介绍了西班牙语和美国文化.S., 西班牙, 厄瓜多尔, 墨西哥, 在波多黎各和古巴通过发展说话的技能, 写, 读和听这些国家当前的问题. 四种沟通技巧(写作), 阅读, 听, and speaking) are emphasized in the classroom and in the language lab; no prior knowledge of the language is required.

通过对戏剧个体的研究, 小说, 现实生活中, 学生发现理解和呈现人物“自我”的方法. 探索和发展写作、创造力、声音和身体是中心. Improvisation, 阅读s with the playwriting class, and character study illuminate human behavior.

Each FYE seminar will have a Peer Leader to assist students with both academic and non-academic issues. Peer Leaders are upper-class students who support the FYE faculty and act as mentors for the seminar participants.

同侪领袖模范课堂参与,并提供课堂内外的支持. 他们会回答有关学术问题或大学生活的问题, 对一年级学生的作业提供一定的学术帮助或反馈, meet with students in small groups or one-on-one to discuss specific assignments or general study skills, 在课堂讨论中发挥积极作用. Overall, the Peer Leader's job is to help beginning students find their place in the AU community.

The Peer Leaders are selected by the instructor and have proven records of success at Alfred University. While working closely with first year students and making a real difference in their lives, 同侪领袖也有机会了解课程发展, 教学策略, 以及领导能力.

The CLAS Transfer Student Program helps new transfers make the transition to Alfred University. 学生在阿尔弗雷德的第一学期参加转学研讨会(CLAS 101). 作为转学生项目的基石, the seminar provides an opportunity for students to get to know the intellectual community they have joined, 同时向他们介绍有助于他们在阿尔弗雷德取得成功的校园资源.

在整个研讨会中, students will further develop core skills that lead to academic and professional accomplishment. The Transfer Student Program also facilitates mentoring relationships among the transfer students and their faculty and peers.

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