
Alfred University's 商学院 houses seven honor societies.

α Iota δ
National Honor Society in Decision Sciences and Information Systems

指导老师:Fred Farley

In 1971, a group of members of the Decision Sciences Institute formed α Iota δ, the national honorary in decision sciences. The purpose of the chapters is threefold:

  • To confer distinction to students in the decision sciences and information systems disciplines for academic excellence
  • To promote the infusion of the functional and behavioral areas of business with the tools, 概念, and methodologies of the decision sciences and information systems
  • To promote interest in the disciplines of decision sciences and information systems

荣誉 academic achievement in the study of business

指导教师:博士. 格雷格Pac

Membership in Sigma is the highest recognition a business student in business anywhere in the world can receive in an undergraduate or master's program at a school accredited by the AACSB - The International Association for Management Education. With the expansion of AACSB accreditation internationally, membership is no longer limited to those who have studied in the U.S. 或加拿大.

有资格成为会员, a student must rank in the upper 7 percent of the junior class, upper 10 percent of the senior class, or upper 20 percent of the graduating master's class. Doctoral candidates are automatically eligible following completion of all requirements for their degree.

National Honor Society in Business Administration

指导教师:博士. 格雷格Pac

The Greek letters in the Society's name stand for Dia Mathessos Dynamis, signifying 的's motto: Through Knowledge, Power - the power to manage creatively for social and economic good.

Becoming a member of 的 is an honor indicative of earnest, intelligent purpose and rewarding achievement. This should be the goal of every person pursuing a degree in business administration where 的 membership is possible. The standards of 的 are high. Although many may not gain the Key, they should remember that the hard work done will bring its own reward.

Financial Management Association Honor Society


The Financial Management Association International (FMA) was established in 1970 and has become the global leader in developing and disseminating knowledge about financial decision making. FMA's members include academicians and practitioners across the world. 菲利普-马萨:

  • Broadens the common interests between academics and practitioners
  • Provides opportunities for professional interaction between and among academics, 从业人员和学生.
  • Promotes the development and understanding of basic and applied research and of sound financial practices
  • Enhances the quality of education in finance


指导教师:博士. 雪莱Freyn

National Marketing Honor Society, 穆卡帕头 was founded in 1966 by members of Pi Sigma Epsilon, 全国, 男女同校的, Professional Fraternity in Sales, 市场营销与管理. 穆卡帕头 is the only National Marketing Honor Society recognized by the Association of Collegiate 荣誉的社会. Having this accreditation means that MKT adheres to the highest academic standards

The International Honor Society in Economics

指导教师:博士. Sangjoon李

欧米克隆 is one of the world's largest academic honor societies. The objectives of 欧米克隆 are recognition of scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics; the establishment of closer ties between students and faculty in economics within colleges and universities, and among colleges and universities; the publication of its official journal, 美国经济学人 , and sponsoring of panels at professional meetings as well as the Irving Fisher and Frank W. Taussig比赛.

Campus Honor Society in Accounting

指导老师:Theresa Gunn

The Pacioli社会 is Alfred University's honor society for excellence in accounting. Junior and senior students who have completed at least four accounting courses with at least a cumulative GPA of 3.我们有资格成为会员.

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